9am Pacific Time | 12pm eastern time


How to Shift Resistance and Creative Block Using Your Body

A workshop with Janelle Hardy, creator and teacher of the Art of Personal Mythmaking

Make your body your most trusted creative ally.

Devote your energy to your creative work instead of stuck, resistant blockages.

9am Pacific Time | 12pm eastern time

1.75 hours

live Q&A afterwards

closed captioning | Recording provided


Here’s what you’ll learn from Janelle:

  • What resistance is (from a nervous system perspective), how it affects your personal and creative life and how to get unstuck.

  • The OMG hack to help shift your resistance in 3 minutes or less (most people don’t know about this!)

  • A hand-touch exercise to calm, settle and open up creative flow in 9 minutes (another fairly unknown technique)

  • The 3 physical clues that resistance is taking over and what to do about it.

  • How your body is your most trusted ally for shifting resistance and creative block — if you’re busy, fear not, you’re going to love how straightforward these techniques are.

You’ll also learn:

  • How Janelle made the connections in her life and on her healing journey between creativity, personal life story writing and her body

  • Why and how doing your healing work and examining your life experiences supports creative flow and releases blockages

And you’ll receive:

  • A replay recording

  • Resources for further healing, including a cheatsheet

  • A discount for Janelle’s transformational and body-centric memoir-writing course

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Janelle Hardy

Janelle Hardy is a writer, artist and creator/teacher of a transformational memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking.

She’s also host of the Personal Mythmaking Podcast.

She’s a born and raised Yukoner and solo mother who has been working as a trauma-informed bodyworker in the hands-on healing arts fields for 14+ years and as an artist (writing, painting + dance) for 17+ years. Throughout that time she’s taught adults out of her living room, arts centres, universities and community colleges.

For the past 5+ years Janelle has integrated all of her expertise, including a BA in Anthropology, an MA in Dance and a Diploma in Structural Integration, into supporting people in their creative healing work via the alchemy of transformational memoir-writing.

Inside the Art of Personal Mythmaking she’s helped young single mothers, PhD writers and editors, psychotherapists, professional novelists, podcasters, entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms, organic farmers, cabinetmakers, former Members of Parliament, retired teachers, spiritual directors, principals (and more) heal from the difficult parts of their lifestory as they write the first drafts of their memoirs and reclaim themselves.


Some kind words about this workshop

I enjoyed the Shifting Resistance workshop so much. This work is so poignant and important in our lives and I wish there was a curriculum to teach children techniques so they may have a head start!

I just wanted to thank you for the work you share. You are such a wonderful and gentle teacher.

I really appreciated the exercises you taught us.

Koreen, Writer, Kelowna, BC

(This workshop is in honour of my two grandfathers, both traumatised war veterans who never received any healing support, and for all creatives who’ve yet to receive healing support for their own inherited and experienced traumas)