Finalist running on iPhone mini

I’ve been writing personal productivity software for many years, and Finalist is an app I always wanted to make: a to do app for people who hate to do apps.

It’s simple (think yellow sticky notes) and fast: tap anywhere to add a task. Is the task for tomorrow? Swipe left to see tomorrow’s list of tasks and add it there. Did you forget to accomplish something yesterday? A single tap brings those tasks to today.

With Finalist, every day is a new list. You don’t feel overwhelmed by the things you didn’t accomplish last week. So you don’t resent your To Do app, but are encouraged to come back to it and actually shape the days ahead.

There’s a lot more to Finalist just a tap or swipe away☘︎ but the important things are easy and fast.

It’s available for iOS (macOS in TestFlight) at

Thanks for stopping by!


Vancouver, Canada


☘︎ Some of these include: Calendar Peek which shows the day’s calendar with overlaid weather forecast; Planner shows weekly or monthly tasks overview in BuJo format, with inlaid calendar info; Lists are there for undated tasks or anything else; filtered lists show you all outstanding tasks; single button brings any task to Today; syncs over iCloud, includes native iOS app and native macOS app with menu bar task entry; Widgets and StandBy mode included, with extensive Shortcuts support; active and open TestFlight beta program.